I love you! Thanks for being part of our JV ATTRACTION community. Take the online survey to be added to our online members directory. Some exciting things have just happened in the last month… We just partnered with Directions University and DUVisio (www.DUvisioForJVs.com) an integration marketing platform that helps you and our JV brokers place your product in an integration marketing funnel with other win/win evergreen, joint venture/ affiliate partners. So once you are in the DUVisio system as a paid monthly member your product could already be added to someone else’s front end, back end, backend, upsell, downsell, product bonus or thank you page!! So to help get you started in the JV ATTRACTION community this survey is designed to help you connect with even more win/win JV partners. Are your ready to have others in the group know who you are and meet ideal JV partners today? Good take the survey (which is also an opt-in to our free member announcements of the latest JV ATTRACTION offerings. Emails are usually no more than once a week and packed with the latest JVs, more free training and resources and special shout outs to our most active JV ATTRACTION members and success stories.)
After we get the results from the survey/ member’s directory update, we’ll send you special training that’s specific to your answers.
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