10 Ways To Mac Gyver Your Business

Mac GyverIt’s the first day with our power out all day and now we’re staying with some good friends just around the corner. With all these snow and ice storms in Pennsylvania I’ve gotten reintroduced to my new favorite freedom fighter Mac Gyver. I think I’ve only watched a couple episodes over 20 years ago until this week. There are parts of his lifestyle that I embrace including traveling somewhere new every chance I get, meeting friends where ever I go, having dedication to peace and freedom, and helping others solve big problems using my intuitive fly by the seat of my pants experience and vast training. It got me thinking how does this help the entrepreneurs, authors and coaches in JV ATTRACTION? Here are:
10 Ways To Mac Gyver Your Business
  1. Solve major problems for people with the tools that you have at your finger tips.
  2. Do your best work with urgent do or die deadlines.
  3. What comes easiest to you may look like magic to your clients and prospects.
  4. Make friends where ever you go because you never know when they’ll be a big help in the near future.
  5. You may not use a block of ice or a pulley system to deflect the bad guys, yet automating and leveraging your marketing and business processes is key to combating time wasters and growing your business. 
  6. Your process and vision can help liberate a community of people who are enslaved by the old way of living or doing things.
  7. See the best in people even if they don’t recognize it in themselves or can’t pay you right away.
  8. Give people an opportunity to take ownership in the results and they become the ones who really appreciate you and become your raving fans.
  9. Your best weapon against attackers; critics, skeptics and nay sayers is inventiveness and shifting their focus, managing expectations and giving them more than they bargained.
  10. The simplest ingredients can produce the most explosive results. 

Ruth Anne Wood

Asking Potential Joint Venture Partners, “How can I help?”
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